Total Donation

Total donation collected on this website.


Volunteer Reached

Total numbers of volunteers associated with us.


Happy Donators

Numbers of donors who donate frequently.


Welcome to Nature_beauty

There is a famous saying “If you want to be happy, make others happy”. This NGO helps those who are needy and makes them happy. We can’t help everyone singly. That’s why we need your support/contribution to help them.

And to help someone we don’t need to have a deep pocket or to be rich, to help you just need a good heart.You have a good heart that’s why you are here. So, this is a humble request to donate any amount of your savings to start someone’s beautiful life.


Total Donation


Total Projects


Total Volunteers


Our Mission

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus congue nibh ac quam sollicitudin sollicitudin. Praesent magna magna, tincidunt sed leo nec, vehicula auctor erat. Integer dolor mauris, blandit vel diam a, consectetur iaculis turpis. Etiam convallis laoreet odio, in viverra est mollis et. Curabitur fermentum magna id libero posuere, nec vestibulum diam feugiat. Praesent in ipsum quis augue semper facilisis. Praesent eget pharetra ipsum. Aenean sed purus accumsan, efficitur metus tempor, vestibulum dui. Cras in odio nunc. Fusce justo ligula, rhoncus ac eros et, aliquet ultrices lectus. Pellentesque euismod eu

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus congue nibh ac quam sollicitudin sollicitudin. Praesent magna magna, tincidunt sed leo nec, vehicula auctor erat. Integer dolor mauris, blandit vel diam a, consectetur iaculis turpis. Etiam convallis laoreet odio, in viverra est mollis et. Curabitur fermentum magna id libero posuere, nec vestibulum diam feugiat. Praesent in ipsum quis augue semper facilisis. Praesent eget pharetra ipsum. Aenean sed purus accumsan, efficitur metus tempor, vestibulum dui. Cras in odio nunc.
